
Where is Bali, where is Lovina

The location of Bali.

Bali, the westernmost island of the little Soendra islands and is also next to an Indonesian island a province of Indonesia. It lies east of Java and west of Lombok. The island is only 5561 km2 and therefore each location in Bali is always within a few hours drive. Bali as a tourist island is one of the most famous islands of Indonesia.Bali Villa te huur for rent Bali, an island of Indonesia

The volcanoes of Bali and the highest mountain

Indonesia lies in the ring of fire, a volcanic area. Also Bali is dominated by volcanic mountains. Some of the volcanoes are still active. Gunung Agung is the highest volcano with a height of 3142 meters above sea level, it looks like a giant from Bali. The Gunung Batur is an active volcano near Lake Batur. It is 1717 meters high with a crater of 11 km and 180 meters deep. From the old crater rim, you have a look at the volcanic landscape  and in clear weather you can see the majestic Mount Agung. Hiking will include a guide to the crater rim of the volcano where you can see the sun come up over Bali and/or boil an egg  in the hot lava.Bali Villa te huur for rent Kintamani and Mount Batur

What language is spoken in Bali

Bali has its own language, Balinese or Bahasa Bali. This language has several levels, which are spoken by different castes. Bahasa Indonesia is the national language and is taught at school. Meanwhile, the children speak English in schools. In tourist areas you can speak English and in some places, such Munduk, is by some also French spoken.

.Bali Villa te huur for rent Schoolchildren who try to practice their English
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 The belief in Bali

Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world. Bali is the only Hindu island in Indonesia. Although the majority of the population is Hindu, ther are also Muslims, Buddhists and Christians. Faith is crucial for daily life in Bali. Ceremonies are held daily and the island has tens of thousands of temples to sacrifice to. Every day you can see this several times happen. The thousands of temples and sacrificial sites have their own meaning. There are house temples, street temples, village – and family temples, but there are also temples for trees or acres. Small towns offering of bamboo you see in the rice fields. The largest temples are the mother temples, these are 1 every year visited by their descendants at a specially chosen day by the Holyman.

Bali Villa te huur for rentA Hindu weddingBali Villa te huur for rent A Muslim wedding

 Bali tourism

The island is popular among tourists for its beaches, nature of hidden waterfalls, graceful terraced rice fields (rice paddies) and volcanoes. Dance and music have an important role in daily life, but also in the spiritual. The Balinese dances are backed by gamelan music. There is also painting, textiles and carvings which the artistry and creativity of the Balinese underline and emphasize. Besides forementioned art forms there are also many ornaments made of gold and silver. Bali is a small island, but within all distances achievable for everyone. An exuberant nightlife in Kuta, high waves and the surfing paradise, to the authentic Bali full of hidden forces, waterfalls in the jungle, monkeys along the roadside and an overwhelming nature of volcanoes, rivers, jungle and white beaches with palm trees.

An impression of Bali through the lens of the camera is shown on our site.

.White beaches and palms in Bali
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Lovina is also known as Pantai (Beach) or (Lovina Beach). It is an area in the north of Bali in Buleleng district in Indonesia. It lies approximately 8 kilometers west of the district capital Singaraja. The name chosen by Lovina is a contraction of the words Love Indonesia.

.Bali Villa te huur for rent Lovina beach.

The place derives its name from the last king (raja) of North Bali, who is also a popular author and a pioneer in tourism to Bali was in the early fifties of the last century. His house in the village Kalibukbuk is no longer there, but a high outbuilding and a high garden wall in Balinese style are still in good condition. The garden is now overgrown. Stories are circulating that there is a live cobra. However, it has plans to host the cultural center of Lovina. However, like many in Indonesia it will cost  time.

Lovina offers good tourist facilities and has not the crowds of southern Bali. It is a quiet resort with nice beaches and good diving facilities. There are restaurants, cafes, shops, dive shops and hotels. The tourist center is located in the village Kalibubuk, where a beach promenade is located. On the boulevard stands a dolphin monument.

The black beach of Lovina Beach

Lovina is known for its dolphins and the black lava beach. In the morning the boats are ready to take you to the dolphins, which swim to the reef. In Lovina you can safely swim in the sea. There are no waves and the beach has no steep slope.

Bali Villa te huur for rent Dolphins swim to the reef of Lovina
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What is the address of Bali Villa Shanti

Bali Villa Shanti
Jalan Lotus M14
81152 Dencarik – Lovina
Singaraja – Bali – Indonesia


Here you can find villa Shanti

Villa Shanti is located at the end of Jalan Lotus near Lovina Beach in between different holiday homes. The plot is the dividing line between Temukus and Dencarik. The house is surrounded by rice fields and vineyards. The tropical garden bordering the sea. A path with lotus ponds leads to the black lava sand beach of the Bali Sea. Only 10 minutes drive from the tourist center of Lovina, Singaraja 30 minutes and close to several sights of northern Bali. ATM and currency exchange are both Lovina and in Seririt. Dining and nightlife can be found in Lovina. A large local market can be visited in the nearby town of  Seririt.

Bali Villa ShantiA glance at the house from the garden

No cars drive in front or behind the villa, no mopeds passing by. Villa Shanti is totally immersed in nature. From the terrace you have views on the rice fields, one sees how the country is processed and the harvest is achieved. Frequently, the sacred kingfisher flew by, but also many other tropical birds have been spotted in or around the tropical gardens of Villa Shanti. Butterflies in different colors and sizes iron regularly represents one of the exotic flowers. At Villa Shanti imagine yourself in a small piece of paradise.

Bali Villa te huur for rentA tropical flower from the garden

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Do you need a visa for Bali

Passport and visa for Indonesia and Bali

For travel to Indonesia to Bali and thus you need an international passport that is still 6 months valid after departure from Indonesia. You will also need a visa for Bali, but this can be purchased upon arrival at Bali if you stay up to 30 days. The costs are approximately U.S. $ 25. For stays longer than 30 days a visa must be purchased in advance through the Indonesian Embassy in the country where you are at that moment. Note that for all participants on the trip, including children, a visa should be requested.

If the ‘visa on arrival’ has expired, the visa can again be extended for 30 days at a local immigration office. This takes time and you will have certainly to go back a few times to the immigration office. If you already established to travel more than 30 days to Indonesia, it is advisable to arrange your visa from the Netherlands or from the country where you are at that moment.

For a social visa application to the Indonesian Embassy in you need:


The passport of the applicant. An emergency passport is not accepted. The passport must be:

At least six months validity on the visa application

At least two blank facing visa pages contain

Passport photos

An official photograph in color. This photo must:

Be similar

A light gray, light blue or white (uniform) background

The official passport format (35 mm width x 45 mm height)

With a paper clip to be attached to the application

Invitation Letter

The invitation letter from the inviting party. The invitation should:

The name and address of the inviting party state

The name of the applicant

The date of the entry and exit state

Addressed to the embassy in The Hague


KTP card

From the person who signed the invitation letter, a copy of his / her KTP card.

Proof of travel arrangements

A copy of the flight plan or a printout of your e-ticket issued by travel agent. It calls

for both outbound and inbound flight are listed.

Request form

A fully completed and signed application form. This form must:

Be completed on the following website :

Printed after completion

The name of the traveler state as found in the passport


Applications must be submitted per person.

Bali Villa te huur for rentChild of Bali
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What money do I bring to Bali

Money and currency

The currency in Indonesia is the Rupiah (IDR). The rate of this currency may vary. For more information on the course today click here. You can import up to IDR 5,000,000. In other currencies there is no minimum or maximum.

There are several ATMs in Bali, but also money (Euros or dollars) can be exchanged. Credit cards (Visa and Mastercard) are in many hotels, restaurants and larger stores accepted, but here an additional commission calculated (1-3%). At banks you can use your credit card to withdraw money. In North Bali and Lovina there is still paid cash a lot. The ability to pay with credit cards is limited. .

In both Lovina and Seririt are automated teller machines (ATM) or exchange offices. Bali Villa te huur for rent

Which staff members working at Shanti Villa Bali

The staff of Villa Shanti

The permanent staff consists 6 persons at Shanti Villa. Most people work with us from the beginning. The two years that we use to live there ourselves,  we enjoyed their cooking, their love for the garden and their vigilance in the night.

In Villa Shantie, there are two women in the household. They do the laundry, keep the house clean and prepare delicious meals to your suit. Ketut, often shy, prepares delightful dishes on the table. She is familiar with Indonesian cuisine, but also western cooking. If desired, you can determine how spicy you want your meals. Take a look behind the scenes and see how they mix the spices and taste and odor the dishes. Fresh fruit and various herbs come straight from the garden of Villa Shanti.

For the rest, she goes to the local market to addresses she knows for the best meat, the freshest fish or poultry you can buy. Ketut is responsible for the entire household and can assist you with arranging a taxi, massage, dolphins trip or other questions.

Ayu is a bit younger than Ketut and helps Ketut where necessary. Together they must ensure that everything runs smoothly. Ayu is a star in decorations,

loves children and has a cheerful smile.

Bali Villa  cooking lessons withketutOne of the dishes of Villa Shanti

In the garden Ketut and Putu are employed. The older somewhat skinny and the other mostly young. They maintain the pool and take care of the tropical garden. They help the women with heavy work or when they could use some extra help. Ketut is a quiet force in the garden. He speaks little English, but is extremely helpful. Putu has a disarming smile and often disappeares among the green foliage of the vacation house . Both are helpful in picking the fruit and pick the best coconuts from the tree for the guests. They ensure that the garden of Villa Shanti is paradise.


The staff of Villa Shanti

Kadek, Ketut tuinman,Putu, Nyomang,

Ketut, Dayu en Ayu
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Our driver/manager Nyomang is also your  helpdesk. He is helpful with technical questions. Do you have problems with the DVD player or the Internet, he is the person who can help you. Nyomang is responsible for all machines on the premises, shall maintain and help where needed. Nyomang welcomes guests who arrive late in the evening and provides the registration with the tourist police. Guests of Villa Shanti can always reach him if there are any questions or need of help.

In the evening from 18.00 the night watchman in the form of Kadek will appear. He keeps a watchful eye when guests sleep. He is also helpful  in the different tasks that the gardeners normally would do. Kadek watch up to 6:00 in the morning and very rarely  his job is taken over by a second watchman named Komang. Both men sacrificed in the evening at the temples and the sea with the request to the Gods of Bali to peace, security and happiness for Villa Shanti, the location and the guests for this night. Tomorrow night they will repeat the request for another safe night.

In addition to the staff of Villa Shanti is a close relationship with the staff of the opposite situated Villa Asmara . In case of emergency, in case of the need to borrow something or just for fun, our guests can meet these staff members. They will always be cautious and humble, but in case you still catch a glimpse of them, we introduce them here.

Kadek and Nila, the girls of Villa Asmara.

Dewa the gardener.

Kadek junior and Made Bawa Night Guards Asmara.

Bali Villa te huurThe staff of Villa Asmara
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Vaccinations for Bali and health

Medicines, vaccines and health in Bali

Vaccinations required for Bali

For Bali Vaccinations are not compulsory, but vaccinations against Hepatitis A, DTP and typhoid are recommended. We advise guests of Villa Shanti for current information to consult their GP.


For guests who regularly swallow medicines, it is recommended that these drugs sufficiently to take to Bali. It is possible that these drugs in Bali are not available or under a different name. When you are taking medication with an analgesic or anesthetic, it may be that some substances in these drugs on the banned list is Indonesia. Consult your physician about this.

Malaria in Bali

The more touristy areas such as Java and Bali are malaria free, but there are still risks. Take measures such as mosquito repellent and / or mosquito incense. Villa Shanti has several incense pots outside. Insect repellent is available in any store. In the bedrooms air conditioning provides sure that mosquitoes are less active. A cot with mosquito net is available. Typically there is only one time of day that mosquitoes are active. Around six o’clock in the evening, when the cricket is heard, the mosquitoes are active. We advise guests of Villa Shanti  for this time to take a shower and use repellent.

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Rabies at Bali

On Bali rabies prevails. Bali has several measures to stop rabies. The vaccination guidelines have not yet adjusted. However, it is important to to stay away from strange dogs and other mammals.  Get vaccinations fast if you get bitten by a dog, cat, monkey or other mammal.
inenting stafleden_kl Vaccination of staff

Health in Bali

Bali is a tropical island in a tropical country. In this climate with its humid heat are more bacteria. In addition the sun, the other food and warmth a weakening of health care can occur. With a few simple steps you can prevent many health problems..

Guests of Villa Shanti is advisable to drink enough water each day and additionally drink Pocari Sweat, a drink full of minerals and sugars. In the heat many people transpire, supplementation of minerals in addition to moisture is necessary.

Take small cuts seriously. In the high humidity and heat small wounds heal more slowly than elsewhere. Ignition Hazard is quickly available. Treat these wounds with antiseptic cream or liquid and do not wait too long before visiting a doctor when they do not heal quickly or well.

Avoid the sun and take sunscreen with you. Even if one remains in the shade for a day or the weather is cloudy. The sun is very high and the risk of burning is great. Wear a hat and take some water with you. Snorkel with a T-shirt and shorts. Villa Shanti has several shady places where you can enjoy the outdoors and the sun can be avoided.

Do not drink tap water. Villa Shanti has chilled bottled water and the ice machine is connected to it. Bottles are always in stock and will be complemented by the staff.

There are restaurant enough to find where you can safely enjoy a delicious meal. When guests of Villa Shanti like to try the local cuisine or stalls on the street, then we suggest looking at the velocity at which food is produced and eaten.
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Eating and Drinking in Bali

Cooking with Ketut

Thanks to the volcanic soil Bali is rich in a variety of tropical fruits and fresh vegetables. Manggo and papayas are piled high on the markets or in the many small stalls along the way. Fruits with magical names like rambutan, monkey fruit and dragon fruit , but also our more familiar strawberys are  be obtained at Bali. Vegetables are mostly grown in the cooler area of ​​Bedugul, where small fields from the ridge determine the landscape. But even closer to the sea one finds fields of peanuts, corn, and beans. Spices such as cloves, nutmeg, ginger and peppers grow here and provide the specific tastes of Balinese dishes. Guests of Villa Shanti get a welcome basket with fruit upon arrival and can experience this taste sensation. Near Shanti Villa, on the main road of Lovina to Seririt are several small sticks of bamboo and alang-alang increased fruit stalls with a year-round changing variety of tropical fruit.
Bali Villa te huur for rentThe fruit piled

The Indonesian cuisine, satay, curries and rice tables. With most dishes we are already known. ask Ketut  what she can prepare and be guided by her choice. Taking into account the wishes of the guests of Villa Shanti she put the best dishes on the table. Various herbs and spices come direct from our garden, the other takes it on the market or her addresses so she knows the best meat, fish or poultry available.
groente gerechtVegetable dish
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Assuming you go out for dinner there are several restaurants in Lovina. Many have a menu with dishes from Indonesian cuisine as well as western dishes, often in spiciness adapted to Western taste . Depending on tastes and needs you can eat here from a few dollars per meal  that can compete with restaurants in the West.

The Balinese themselves mainly eat rice and this multiple meals per day. There are no specific times and most restaurants are open all day. Everywhere one finds at food stalls (warungs), some as small eateries, as other mobile restaurant built on a bicycle, cart or moped. In the early morning you see the mothers with their makeshift tables and pots and pans,selling  “nasi bunkus” . In paper or banana leaf wrapped rice whith your choice of dishes to be bought.
nasi putihNasi putih – white rice

In Bali you can not drink tap water but mineral water bottles are widely available. Try the fresh fruit drinks. Depending on the season, but throughout the years, several exotic fruits to get used to fresh pure juice or shakes.

Indonesia is predominantly Muslim. Bali is predominantly Hindu. On the drinking of alcohol rests not taboo. Various local alcoholic drinks are available. The imported alcohol is highly taxed and therefore not cheap. The local beer “Bintang is a subsidiary of Heineken. ‘Storm’ is another local beers with different flavors, some of which are surprisingly tasty. Besides beer, Bali also produced wine.
Bali Villa  cooking lessons withketutLobster
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Climate in Bali

The climate in Bali

With only 8 degrees south of the equator, Bali has a tropical climate. Temperatures around 30 degrees during the day and evening cooling to 24 degrees in the lower areas. In the higher areas it can cool to 10 degrees in the evening. Really cold, it is never at all, only if you are in the mountains it can be 10 degrees.
The weather in Bali on a sunny day

Weather in Bali

Bali has two seasons, the rainy season beginning in October and ending in March and the dry season. The dry season is actually the best time to visit Bali. Blue skies, little chance of rain and at night it cools down to pleasant temperatures of 24 degrees. The humidity is at its lowest.
Bali het weer 0Sunset in Bali from Shanti Villa
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But even in the rainy season it rarely rains all day. Through the mountains, the sea and the ocean is often difficult to predict whether and where it will rain in Bali. Showers are also often very local and of short duration. Higher in the mountains is considerably cooler and the chance of rain and cloud increasing. Information on various sites about the weather in Bali is not always correct. And what they can not show is that with just rain the temperature still will be around 30 degrees Celsius.
Bali het weer 05The sky in the morning from the beach of Villa Shanti

North Bali is often drier than southern Bali. But even here the showers are very local and difficult to predict. Bad weather can develop suddenly and so pass. Lovina is known for rarely bothered by wind. Bali weather remains unpredictable, but warm.
Bali het weer 04Dark clouds over the Bali Sea

We recommend guests of Villa Shanti to watchwith bad weather. if you walk along a river bed, find a higher place. Rivers can rise suddenly with meters through the water from the mountains. The huge amount can cause flooded roads at once, overflowing riverbeds and clear standing areas. It is also advisable in bad weather to avoid coconut palms. Although the palms at Villa Shanti are checked regularly is not always to predict when a note falls. But nothing is so wonderful after a hot day than to cool off  in a tropical rainstorm, when water with large amounts falls from the sky.
blad tegen regenShelter from the rain with a leaf
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What to do in Bali Villa Shanti - Activities that can be undertaken in Villa Shanti

Cooking with Ketut

In Indonesia and Bali in particular, there is an abundance of delicious fruits, vegetables and rice. The tropical climate and fertile volcanic soil ensure that multiple harvests per year are possible. Spices such as cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and grow on this island together with the widely used spices like ginger, turmeric, coriander, onion, garlic, tamarind, chili pepper and give flavor and color to meat, fish, vegetables and poultry.

Guests of Villa Shanti who want to explore the secrets of Balinese cuisine, can do that together with Ketut. She can guide you in the use of herbs and spices that are so indispensable in the preparation of these dishes. She can take you to the local market to get an idea of ​​ the profusion of color, scent and cacophony of sound.
Bali Villa cooking lessonsDish of Ketut.
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Spa – massage in Bali

The island of Bali is known for its centuries-old spa culture.

Balinese massage with emphasis on a complete sensory experience, using a dynamic combination of acupressure, reflexology, stretching, deep tissue massage and fragrant essential oils. It is a physical form of massage, migraine usually used to soothe, to ease muscle aches and knots to iron. By removing blockages in the energy pathways restores the balance between body and mind, between yin and yang.

The Balinese massage may globally as one of the best regarded. They use tropical nut oils on the basis of combined with various odors. Coconut oil is widely used for example for its medicinal properties for many complaints (joint pain, dry skin, …). During the Balinese massage the muscles waste away, so they feel fit again.

Guests of Villa Shanti can use the massage house in Timor-style on the beach at the Bali Sea. Where you always experience the sea breeze and hear the waves the massage table is ready to experience the Balinese massage.
Bali Villa spa massageSpa- Massage
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Discover the tropical fruits in the garden

Our holiday Villa Shanti is surrounded by a spacious tropical garden of 3000m2.

Besides a variety of tropical plants and flowers there are also a variety of fruit trees present. Behind Villa Shanti are 6 different types of mangoes, star fruit is hidden in the garden, pineapples grow long path, lemon grass is present in large quantities, citrus, banana trees and the plant with the magic name “dragon fruit”, it’s all to discover in the garden of this villa. It is free to guests of Villa Shanti to pick and try these fruits. Ask the staff for fresh coconut and be surprised by the taste of fresh mangoes.
Bali Villa fruit from garden Pineapples from the garden.

Multimedia or read a book in the tropical garden

Relax with a book, relax with a movie or surf the web. Villa Shanti offers various possibilities to relax.

Wireless Internet WIFI. Shanti Villa Guests have free use of wireless internet. Just a little note sent to the family, your own newspaper on the internet or view information about Bali.

A flatsceen on the 1st floor  gives also the ability to view DVDs. Several DVDs are available, but who is looking for the last movie you can visit Lovina, where to obtain them at low prices.

For those who want to book a retreat, there are several books in various languages. We can also recommend the library of Lovina, Coba Baca , from where you can join a small amount or where you can exchange books. Besides many books in Bahasa Indonesia, you will also find books in German, English and Dutch. Not only you will enjoy your book, this can also help this charity and the children of Bali ..

Bali villa te huurKetut en Ita

Hiking & Trekking or simply walking from the Villa in Bali

Although the people in Bali get used when someone is just walking for fun. “Dari mana ‘and’ ke mana ‘are the words that you regularly during your journey is told. The Balinese like to know where you come from and where this tour goes. Yet this is the best way to explore the real Bali. The children playing in the rice fields, the cultivation of the land, the fishermen being laboriously hauling the nets, sounds that are made to scare the birds and the different smells of the tropical plants and flowers.

From Villa Shanti you stand directly in the rice fields, vineyards or at the beach. Small paths lead you between the various fields. The sacred kingfisher lives here, alongside many other tropical birds and sometimes also spotted a monitor lizard.
Baili Villa hikingWoman with freshly cut grass in sawa
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A refreshing dip in the pool at Villa Shanti

The tropical climate and its location on the Bali Sea, ensure that all year round pleasant temparature is around 30 degrees. A dip can be a welcome change and refresh you. The pool at Villa Shanti is 18 x 6 meters. Four water statues keep watch on the side and ensure the sound of running water. A small seat is placed in the water so that one can enjoy a drink. Are you tired of swimming, there will be a few sunbeds ready.
swimming in the poolSwim in the pool
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A warm dip in the Bali Sea for Villa Shanti.

The water of the Bali sea is usually warmer than the pool. Slowly slope of  the beach, making it an ideal place for small children. At sunset, the locals on the beach play football, make sandcastles, to bathe in the sea, fishing or just watching the others. Large waves are not here as in Kuta and with the exception of the rainy season the sea is almost as flat as a lake and it reflects the different skies in all their colors. A private path leads past Shanti Villa lotus ponds to the sea ..
Bali Villa swimming in the seaSwimming at the sea
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Dolphin watching in the Bali sea from the beach at Villa Shanti

Lovina is famous for its dolphins in the wild. Small fishing boats leave from Lovina, but also from the beach for Villa Shanti these intriguing creatures in the wild to watch. It should be done in the early morning. The boats leave around 06:00 am in order not to miss the sunrise. The still white looking, in misty mountains of the island get their color back slowly with the rising of the sun and into a variety of greens.

For guests of Villa Shanti who do not like such early start  there is an alternative to leave something later by boat from the beach. Guests can next to dolphins, including fishing or snorkeling.
dolfijnen kijken in de Bali zeeDolphins at sea
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Temples en ceremonies

Bali has many temples, each with its own meaning. On the grounds of Villa Shanti there are two temples. One of the temples stands with his back to the mountains surrounded by flowers. He ensures the safety of our grounds, watches over the guests and protect personnel. Every day here by the staff sacrificed. In the garden hidden among the greenery is a much older temple. The story goes that an old spirit resides here. He who dwells here already knows a lot about the environment and watches over his territory. Behold how the staff every day holding ceremony, small sacrifices or special days to visit these temples in special dressing.
bali Villa ceremoniCeremony in the garden of the villa

What to do in North Bali - activities in the area of Lovina - Nature

Git Git waterfall North Bali

One of the biggest tourist attractions of North Bali, the Git Git waterfalls. At about 10 km from Singaraja and Lovina a 45 minutes drive, the falls are just outside the village of Git Git. The way to this waterfall is a 1.5 km long passable path along various stalls selling souvenirs. Once this is seen passing the water from 40 meters down plunge. Bathing in this water you better can not do as lovers, rumor has  that once bathed in this love for each other quickly will wash away. Fortunately for this, there are plenty of waterfalls around here and many of them may be less high, but a lot quieter.
Bali Villa te huur for rentGit-Git waterfall with ceremonie

Git-Git waterfall
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Sing Sing waterfall North Bali

The 2 levels of the Sing Sing waterfall near Lovina, 7 minutes drive from Villa Shanti, are only in the wet season worth a visit. From the town Temukus going on a hike through small paths uphill westward. Frequently there must be a river taken and what steps climbed. The falls are less known and the probability that you encounter a tourist is small. Guides are often at the beginning of the hike to wait, but enterprising couples can do this course, independent.
Swimming at the waterfall
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Walking through the rice paddies and villages with Putu

Guests of Villa Shanti, we recommend the hike of Putu. In the immediate vicinity of the Villa Shanti Putu organizes hiking, Putu Mayong tracking experience. Putu speaks very good English and knows as the son of a shaman, everything from plants and animals in Bali. Depending on the wishes of the group he will put the journey together. The hike ranges from 2 to 4 hours. After you eat a homemade lunch with him.

During the walk you will discover the beautiful surroundings of Mayong. The mountain, along the rice terraces (Sawa’s) where you can enjoy the breathtaking views, then down to the picturesque valley where you wade through a river (if necessary with help). You will learn about the traditional lifestyle of the Balinese, run along cocoa, tropical fruits and many medicinal herbs.
Bali Villa te huur for rentHiking at Bali
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Munduk, waterfalls and walking tours of coffee plantations and tropical fruit

Munduk is located in the mountains south of Lovina just 20 minutes drive from the Villa. It is a mountain village so this is a slightly cooler. Munduk is set amidst the rice terraces. For walks through the neighborhood and visiting various waterfalls we recommend a guide. He leads you through coffee plantations, cocoa plants, nutmeg trees, avocado and many other exotic fruits. Tosee the waterfall from Munduk is via a path within easy reach.
Bali Villa te huur for rentWaterfall at Munduk
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Giant tree Munduk North Bali

Just past Munduk there’s a giant tree. Hidden amongst all the greenery, this giant is about 5 km after passed the sign. This sacred tree has a circumference of 60 meters and 70 meters high. It is possible to walk between its root system and possibly to climb. The story goes that at special events in the country this tree reacts.
Giant tree bij MundukGiant tree at Munduk
Giant tree with a root in the form of a snake

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Bedugul Botanical Gardens

The Bedugul Botanical Gardens opened in 1959. Lush tropical gardens with a collection of 320 native orchids. With a car you can drive into these gardens and see the various gardens. A map is available at the entrance.
Bali Villa te huur for rentOrchdee tree at the Botanical Garden of Munduk
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Visit the coffee plantations – Coffee Lewak

Visit one of the Lewak coffee plantation. Coffee Lewak, here called Kopi Loewak ‘or Civetkoffie is the most expensive coffee in the world. The high price is not caused by the used coffee berries themselves are so rare, but by the very special production. Kopi is the Indonesian word for “coffee” and Loewak is the local name for this civetkatachtige who eats the raw red coffee berries. About what makes this coffee so special, two stories. One story is about the process is what is played in the intestines and stomach of the civet, which the special flavor of this bean is created. The other story is simpler: the civerkat is one cat with taste and he or she has a nose for only the best and ripest berries. A sellection by human hand and eye or not to match. Only the best beans are so chosen.
Bali Villa te huur for rentTropical fruit on the trees.
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What to do in North Bali - activities in the area of Lovina - Culture

Air panas; The hot springs of Banjar – North Bali

Only 10 minutes drive from Villa Shanti is Air Panas nestled at the foot of the hill and surrounded by jungle. At various levels there are pools and statues in the shape of dragon heads healing water flows. The water is of volcanic origin and has a constant temperature of 37 degrees Celsius. You can shower and there are changing rooms. Earliest elevated, overlooking the pools, there is a restaurant. Watch the steps of the baths are slippery.
Bali Villa te huur for rentAir Panas hot springs at Banjar

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The Buddhist monastery, Brahma Vihara Arama

In the hills of northern Bali, near the village of Banjar, about 12 minutes from Villa Shanti is this Buddhist monastery, Brahma Vihara Arama. It is the only Buddhist monastery in Bali. There are opportunities for meditation (courses) and retreat. The ornate monastery is located on several terraces on the hill. In the garden grow cashews and courts are silent in the shade of trees. As with the Borobudur in Java you can also find here the stupa, it is called the smaller Borubodur.
Small Buddha temple Borbodur

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Singaraja (the lion king of North Bali)

Singaraja was once the capital of Bali. Now this place is taken by Denpasar.

From the 10th century was Singaraja a popular trading port. Traders from all over Asia came here to give their goods to market. Weapons and opium were exchanged for food, fresh water, livestock but also slaves. The name Singaraja literally means lion king . It was the nickname of the mighty king Ki Gusti Ngurah Panji Sakti, who then conquered much land in Bali but also East Java. Bali then consisted of several kingdoms and Sinaragja belonged to the kingdom of Buleleng in northern Bali. Singaradja Buleleng is now a district.

As a tourist city, there is less to do. Here, no tourist shops or Western-looking restaurants such as in Lovina, but for those who want to immerse themselves in Balinese ‘city life’, there are some attractions that are definitely worth it. Here one can visit the pasar. Almost the entire day and night, but only early in the morning for fresh meat, poultry and fish. Walk up the narrow paths between the piles of clothing, herbs and exotic fruits. High piled here the sacrificial baskets, bowls and ceramics.

In the port of Singaraja is a statue of patiot Balinese Ketut Merta. He has during the war with the Dutch given life by a Dutch patrol boat to replace the flag of Indonesia. Here at the port is also a pier where you can have a drink or you can choose one of the many seafood dishes.

Also here next to the only colonial houses in Bali and several warehouses from the Dutch period in the harbor, the library Gedong Kirtya and a Chinese temple.

At Singaraja are some larger supermarkets including Carrefour and Hardi’s, there are also some small shops specializing in western food such as ABD. A variety of fabric shops, book shops, shoe stores, jewelers, all but especially for the locals. You can find also some hospitals and banks.
Bali Villa te huur for rentPasar malam in Singaraja

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Gedong Kirtya library in Singaraja

In Singaraja you can find this special biblotheek , which also housed a museum. This library collects, copy and saved thousands of so-called ‘lontar (manuscripts are inscribed on palm leaves),’ prasati (manuscripts engraved on metal plates), and books that the various aspects of human life issues, such as religion, architecture, philosophy , genealogy, homeopathy, traditional medicine, black magic, etc., in Balinese and Kawi (old Javanese), and in Dutch, English and German.

The Gedong Kirtya was founded on June 2, 1928 by I Calon, who was the Regent of Bali and Lombok was, together with the last Raja (king) of Buleleng, Anak Agung Panji Tisna.
Bali op bamboe getekend Texts written on bamboo and drawings
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The Puri Agung Buleleng the palace of Singaraja

The Puri Agung Buleleng state in the former capital of Bali, Singaraja. It stands beside the Gedong Kirtya, lontar the famous library in 1928 was co-founded by the last Raja of Buleleng, Anak Agung Pandji Tisna.

The palace is open to the public. Meet the royal family of Singaraja, exchange views with them about history and taste of the old days when Bali was still ruled by Rajas (kings).
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Chinese temple Singaraja North Bali

A beautiful Chinese temple (Klenteng) named Ling Gwan Kion is located near Jalan Erlangga, near the ocean in the port of Singaraja. This temple is one of the few Chinese temples in Bali. It is accessible via a bridge over a lotus pond and it has beautiful golden Buddha statues. The temple was founded in 1873 and renovated several times, the last in 2004. When the opportunity to do, make a note of the festivals in this temple and see the dragons dance to the sounds of drums, while the air is foggy from the incense.
Bali Villa te huur for rentChinese temple in Singaraja

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Beji Tempel of Sangsit

Sangit located on the north coast of Bali, just east of Lovina and Singaraja just past. A major attraction is the Beji Pura (temple of the seed). The Subak temple is dedicated to the goddess of agriculture. Remarkably, the exuberant decoration, a profusion of curls, curves and arabesques. A chaotic-like sculpted vegetation, dominated by two naga snakes, like sentinels guarding the temple. At the entrance of the temple you can for a small fee rent a scarf or sarong.  In addition a small donation is required.
Temple statue

Jagaraja temple

Just ahead, at Jagaraja, is the Pura dalem, the temple of the dead. This beautiful temple is covered with reliefs from the “modern” life of the 19 and 20th centuries. On the walls around the temple houses including two Europeans in an old Model T Ford, which is opposed by a valiant Balinese warrior, a Dutch steamship that is attacked by a sea monster, a man on a bicycle and a Dutch plane that dump at sea .

In the mid-19th century Jagaraja a conflict between the Dutch and the king of Buleleng (North Bali) led to an invasion of the Dutch. Three expeditions were needed for these brave Balinese defeat in 1849. The temple commemorates this battle.
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Pulaki temple

At only 25 meters from the sea to the west of Lovina Pura Agung Pulaki. A black stone gate for the pelgrims and guests and provides access to this impressive temple. This temple commemorates the arrival of the Javanese Saint-Priest Nirartha to Bali in the early 16th century. Surrounded by the jungle and on the other hand the beach you will be overrun by large groups of monkeys. The story goes Nirartha by a group of monkeys was led through the forest of Pulaki. If respect for these monkeys, he founded the temple and became their guardian.

Meanwhile, the well-fed monkeys are regularly provided with snacks by the many pilgrims.
etende aapEating monkey

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The Ulun Danu Temple at Bedugul

The Ulun Danu Bratan is a Balinesische Pura, a Hindu temple in Bali. The Pura Ulun Danu Bratan located in the northwest of the island at the Bratan-meer. De temple is dedicated to the goddess Dewi Danu, the goddess of water, lakes and rivers. This lake plays an important role in the irrigation of the area.The complex was built in 1633. It is spread over several islands. The Meru, with eleven roofs is dedicated to Shiva and his consort Parvati. Even Buddha (as a reincarnation of Vishnu) has a place in the Hindu temple gods.

The Bratan Ulun Danu temple is open daily between 7.00 and 17.00. At the parking you have some souvenir shops and here you can also buy a snack or drink. This certain  is one of the most photographed temples, after the popular temple at Tanah Lot.
Bali Villa te huur for rentBedugul water temple

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Ceremonies in North Bali

Ceremonies and bringing offerings to the gods in Bali is a daily activity. Every day there is offered to the temple house, the sea, fire, land and all living things. Besides these daily ceremonies, various life cycle related ceremonies such as birth, death, but the 3-monthly ceremony where the child for the first time the feet on the earth move, the 6-monthly ceremony, the tooth filing to the evil of a person to remove, marriage and death. Full moon, darker moon, everything has a meaning or a good day to perform an action. For every act is a renewal or a change brought about a ceremony. Depending on the selected day, determined by the holyman, can a start be made with a new phase, a new beginning or close of a period that has been. Balinese religion (called Agama Hindu Dharma) consists of three primary elements: Hinduism based on what is practiced in India, but which differ substantially from those traditions, animism (where every living creature has a soul) and ancestor worship (the Balinese their ancestors to deify after a forbidden process of purification is done).

This colorful ceremonies and processions with homemade sacrifices are pleasing to the eye.

A ceremony is a great experience, the staff of Villa Shanti tells you where and when possible.
Bali Villa te huur for rentChildren during a ceremony

Bali Villa te huur for rentCeremonie at Lovina beachMarket in North Bali Bedugul
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Market in North Bali Bedugul

The Bratan lake is known as the “holy mountain lake”, the area is very fertile. It lies at 1200 meters altitude and the climate is cool. An excellent atmosphere for agriculture. Bedugul is therefore known as the place where vegetables are grown. All year round is a diversity of vegetables to obtain colored fruit is piled high next turrets tomatoes and cabbage. Sweet corn and strawberries are sold along the side of the road. You can buy along the way, but there are also several opportunities to pick them yourself.
Bali Villa te huur for rentThe market in Bedugul
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Gamalan instrument makers of North Bali

In Bali you quickly become familiar with the sound of the gong, the Balinese gamelan. Gamelan music is played to religious and social events to accompany steed but is now increasingly used for entertainment such as concerts, festivals and welcoming ceremonies. But how are these beautiful instruments made?

In a small town near Singaraja, Brach Mana in North Bali, the gamelan instruments created by the old traditional way. A visit to Brahmanas is an experience in itself. Many traditional gamelan makers are no longer there. The creation process is complicated and takes a long time.

Only a limited number of craftsmen on the island practicing the art and have the expertise to make a gamelan. A gamelan is a set of instruments together and these are matched. The instruments form a separate entity. For this reason, gamelans instrumens are never swapped. The skill was passed down from generation to generation in the family. Six people are now working in Brahmana. The instruments are made of bronze. The bronze is melted and poured into a mold where it can harden. Shaping and tuning the instrument is done by heating and beating. Three months does it take to assemble the instruments .
gamalan spelers op straatGamelan players on the street
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What to do in North Bali - activities in the area of Lovina - Activities

Swim with the Dolphins in Lovina

In the Melka Lovina Hotel, just 15 minutes drive from Villa Shanti is a unique opportunity to swim with dolphins. Make an appointment in advance. Sometimes that is not necessary, but certainly desirable in the busy season. There is a family discount. Ask at the reception. Try to make an appointment in the morning then the animals are curious and not played.
Swim with the dolphins
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Snorkeling or scuba diving at Menjangan Island National Marine Park

An absolute must is snorkelling or diving at Menjangan. Just an hour’s drive from Villa Shanti is this small uninhabited island. From the land leave local boats to this island and there’s one of the oldest temples in Bali state; Pura Gili Kencana.

Menjangan is known for its beautiful reefs that plunge straight down into clear blue waters, beautiful coral gardens where we find Nemo and all his multi-colored tropical friends. You can dive here for days! For all different levels and a great place to snorkel or even just walking on the white sandy beaches! The low water and the mostly calm waters make this location very suitable for children.
Bali Villa te huur for rent
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Snorkeling and diving at Lovina Reef

Lovina reef is unfortunately not considered as an interesting Dive Site. However, it has interesting and newly formed coral and even a small wooden ship wreck! Lovina reef has different depths and is therefore suitable for different levels. As a beginner you can easily dive in shallow areas. Very convenient since you avoid long car trips!
Bali Villa te huur for rentLovina reef snorkeling and diving
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Padi during your holiday in Bali

Achieve your padi during your holiday. During the day diving and the rest of the day recovering from all underwater experiences in Bali Villa Shanti. In Lovina are several diving schools that guests of Villa Shanti can be helpful in obtaining a padi. !
Lovina diving or snorkeling

Rent a bike and explore North Bali

Bicycles are for rent in Lovina for a reasonable amount. From Euro 2, – you have a good bike to explore the area. For those more adventurous there are also built bicycles mountain hikes at different levels. A unique experience not yet discovered by tourists to explore Bali. The tours go through small villages, fields and sometimes by rivers !
Bali Villa te huur for rentRice fields along the side of the road
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Riding at Pegasus Farm in the mountains

Under the mango trees, this small Farm located. Pegasus Farm is located in the beautiful village Kayuputih just ten minutes away in the hills of Lovina. They have horses and rides suitable for everyone – 2 hours of exciting jungle tours for adventurous riders and pony rides for children. It does not matter what your age or driving experience is. From this location you have a magnificent view over northern Bali, the volcanoes of East Java, sunsets and sunrises for those who are caught early. After your ride you can taste delicious light snacks, walk around the organic gardens or sit under mango orchards. Experience real Balinese life in the hills above Lovina!
Bali Villa te huur for rentRiding in the mountains in North Bali
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Fishing and night fishing for the Bali Sea

Local fishing boats take you in search of tuna or let you experience what it’s for an evening under the stars on the water. On a traditional shell is still sometimes blown to fishermen pointing the way home. From Villa Shanti you can see  the lights of the fishermen on the water!
Bali Villa te huur for rentLocal fishing boats in North Bali

Shopping in Lovina, shops and eateries

Lovina is known as the only tourist resort in Northern Bali. Lovina has a few small tourist shops and several restaurants. For years, Lovina been known as a location for backpackers, but now there are now more venues added. Brown bread is available as well as meats and Western goods. Sover Kidney shops are available, vendor walk around with little shells, chains, pearls and sarongs. Some restaurants are right on the beach with the tables in the sand. A little further up in the mountains Damai   already the subject of both cookbooks and magazine articles. The award-winning restaurant serves Damai organic vegetables and meat from our own farm, along with the fresh catch of the abundant sea Bali and imported delicacies. Western and Asian cuisine are combined in innovative à la carte menu, while the daily changing three-course menu, new versions of dishes from the traditional Balinese cuisine. The nightlife is small and easy.
Bali Villa te huur for rentSunset on the beach of Lovina
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Walking, hikking or trekking in the mountains of Lovina – North Bali

Walking is one of the best ways to explore Bali. Several trips are possible and from different locations are guides available. Beautiful rides through the rice fields, mountains, waterfalls and surroundings of Lovina start from Shanti.

In Munduk you can hike with different guides. Walk along cocoa plantation, see how coffee grows, pineapple plants, nutmetrees, nail cross  and much more tropical fruit. Also waterfalls and small villages surrounded by farmland. Chickens run loose along the entire route and have some goat pens constructed of bamboo poles.

From Buyanlake and Tamblinganlakeand there are tours through the jungle. Large trees and lush vegetation. Some temples are on this route as well as the opportunity to take a canoe across the lake further. From different locations a guide can be arranged .

Hikes in Bali Barat National Park. This can only be accompanied by a guide. The Species as civetcat, deer, monkeys, and wild boar against one comes here. Bali Barat National Park is large and includes more than 7000 hectares of protected coral reef. On one of the breeding islands including frigate birds, seen from Villa Shanti. Swimming turtles and whale sharks along the coast. Dolphins and whales migrate through the strait of Java and Bali. Here one finds the Bali starling to. One face- endangered species. Hikes are possible from Labuhang Lalang, where the offices of the PHPA is located (local environmental protection). Sometimes part of the walk is through thick vegetation, where’s no pathways and should be crawling through the bushes to walk forward.
Bali Villa te huur for rentView during a hike

Bedugul Adventure Park – North Bali

For small and large a challenge. Between the trees of a portion of the Botanical Gardens of Bedugul are several trails off where you can climb the trees and treetops. Different colors indicate different levels. A short introduction is given before they secured the right height. Climbing gloves are available but take some drinks.
Bali Villa te huur for rentThe ropes adventure park in Bedugul
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Bali Barat National Park

The Bali Barat National Park   is located in the west of Bali. The National Park is immense and includes 7000 hectares of protected coral reef off the coast. It is a mountainous area and consists mainly of rainforests, mangrove forests, savannas and coral reefs. The park contains over 200 species of plants. Some of these plants has a religious and spiritual significance as the banyan tree. In the National Park wild boar, snakes, iguanas, lizards, turtles, monkeys, geckos and huge spiders are  to find. You can also find large herbivores such as deer, wild buffalo and banteng (ox).

If you want to ride through the park, can only be led by a guide. The Bali Barat National Park is an important example of the Friends of the Reef campaign of WWF.
Bali Villa te huur for rentThe Atlas Mott, one of the largest in the world moths

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Handara Kosaido Gulf, the highest golf course in Indonesia

De Bali Handara Kosaido Country Club   was in the 80 – “One of the top 50 golf courses in the world” – named by Golf Magazine. Today, vacations golfers from all over the world come to Bali, to play golf on one of the most iconic and “classic” golf courses in Asia. Bali Handara Kosaido Country Club is located in the central highlands of Bali and lies down in the crater of a 300 year old extinct volcano at an altitude of 1,142 meters above sea level. The site is surrounded by lush green mountains, crater lakes and an equatorial rainforest, which form a dramatic backdrop and this job is unique in its kind. Another unique feature of this world famous golf resort is open all year round coolness of the fresh mountain air (14-24 C), which will surely create a pleasant, comfortable round of golf on the 18-hole championship golf course designed by five times Open Champion Peter Thomson, with Michael Wolveridge and Ronald Fream.
Bali Villa te huur for rentBali Handara Kosaido Golf course

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Villa Shanti offers a private car with driver, a Toyota Jeep. This car is fun for short distances and doing errands, etc., but it is not great for long trips. We charge a fee for this service, a trip to Lovina and back for shopping or restaurant RPH 80.000, Singaraja RPH 120.000. However, the staff can at any time of the day arrange a van with driver and air conditioning for longer trips. The costs for this are RPH 600.000 per day, RPH 300.000 for a half day or RPH 150.000 for a trip to Lovina. You can also catch the local bus to Lovina at the main street for almost nothing.Bali Villa te huur for rent

Car hiring

It is possible to hire car(s), but we would not recommend it. It’s hard to find the way, but more important you are not used to the (terrible) traffic. There’s only one rule, if something happens you are the one to blame for! Let your self drive and enjoy the views. The vans to pick you up are considered a full day ( the driver also has to drive back to the south or vice versa).

About the staff

How many staffs work at the villa?

There are 7 staffs in various roles working at the villa.

What roles do they have?

We have  a villa manager/driver, 2 house keepers/chefs, 2 gardeners, 2 security guards.

Do villa staffs stay at the villa?

Except security guards, normally the villa staffs are available at the villa during normal working hours. However they tend to be flexible in respond to your request. When you need them you can ask them to stay until you had your dinner.

Would so many people working at the villa affect our privacy?

No they have a staff quarter which can accommodate their staff activity, also they can make themselves almost ‘invisible’ . The gardeners are away in the garden, and the security is there only at night. Unless when they are doing their work, such as house-keepers are cleaning bedrooms or chef is cooking in the kitchen, they will have their activity in the staff quarter.

Tipping staff

Do we have to give some tip?

Tipping is not mandatory. Villa staffs will not perform worse if you do not give them some tip. However as in general wages in Indonesia is rather low, small amount of money you give away as a tip means a lot. So if you are happy with their service, it is always a good idea to share your holiday joy by sharing a bit of fortune with those who work to make your holiday a pleasant one.

How do we give a tip?

As tip is not mandatory, you can give it in any manners you prefer. However it is advisable to give it only upon your departure, as a token of appreciation to their hard work to pamper your stay. Don’t forget the gardeners or security, though they are less in sight they do contribute to a pleasant stay for you. You can give the tip to all persons individually or you can hand the tip to the villa manager or cook.

How much tip is considered appropriate?

Again, as it is not mandatory, you are free to decide how much you want to give. The more you give the happier the staffs are. However as a general hint, 100,000 to 200,000 Rupiah per staff member for a week stay is considered adequate.

Cooking and laundry

If we ask the chef to cook, who will shop for the ingredients?

Normally the chef. You will talk to the chef Ketut about what you want for the next day and give her enough money to buy the ingredients. he will shop and return to you with the receipts and the remaining money.

Can we go to shop ourselves?

Yes you can. There’s a Carrefour and other shops in Singaraja and Lovina, you can ask Nyomang (our manager) to drive (for a small fee)Also there is a supermarket within walking distance.

Does the villa provide laundry services?

Normally laundry service is available for free.

How do we pay our extra bills like food and beverage, massage, etc.?

Products and services organized by the villa or by us can be paid by cash. Products and services directly organized by a third party should be payed immediately upon delivery.

Whom do we contact if there is something wrong with the villa?

The most appropriate person to contact is the villa manager Nyomang. If you have any difficulty to communicating with him or you think that your complain is not adequately addressed, contact us Tel. +62 811 388 2519 , we will be happy to help you communicate and solve your problem.

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